Indoor Plants You Can Grow in Your Bathroom
These houseplants can thrive in high-humidity areas!
Oftentimes, fake plants are used as decor for bathrooms. This is because not many plants can tolerate the temperature fluctuations in this part of your home—bathrooms can get warm and humid when the shower is in use and cold at night. The good news is, there are a couple of plant babies that love humidity and can even tolerate low-light conditions. Check them out below:Â
1. Aglaonema Lady Valentine from Oh Leaf Â
Liven up your bathroom with this adorable pink plant! Aside from being highly decorative, an Aglaonema or Chinese Evergreen is known for being forgiving—it will survive even if you forgot to water it for a week! Perfect for bathrooms, this tropical houseplant also loves humidity. But in order to maintain its colorful leaves, it will need some indirect light.Â
2. Spider Plant from Halamoms
Your bathroom is an ideal home for this low-maintenance plant as it likes a bit of humidity. While spider plants prefer bright, indirect light, they can tolerate shady areas, too, which makes them perfect for bathrooms that don't get a lot of sunlight.Â
Pro tip: Pay attention to the kind of water you use to feed it. As much as possible, avoid using tap water as it contains high levels of salt. As Real Simple notes, "Salt is toxic for tropical plants like spider plants because it is out of their native element." This can cause the leaves to turn brown. Instead, try watering your spider plants with distilled water!Â
3. Aloe Vera Plant from Halamoms
Aloe vera plants are popularly known for producing gel that can be used to soothe sunburn and relieve irritations, but what many don't know is they can also filter the air of impurities. P.S. Place this humidity-loving plant near a window as it loves sunlight!
4. Heartleaf Philodendron from Happy Plant CoÂ
Got a shelf in your bathroom? Why not decorate it with this humidity-loving trailing plant? Heartleaf Philodendron plants—otherwise known as the sweetheart—produce glossy leaves that are beautifully shaped like a heart.Â
5. Snake Plant from Plant HomeÂ
If you're a first-time plant parent, you can't go wrong with decorating your bathroom with this hardy plant. Snake plants can thrive on neglect, and it can tolerate low-light conditions. With its stiff patterned leaves, this houseplant can be used to liven up a gloomy bathroom.Â